Alhamdulillah, after all I can standing still and said welcome to
this friday october 12th 2012. Today is my 3rd anniversary as a writer
on facebook :)
Hah.. I think I would die, after all those mess through this year, but I'm a live, alhamdulillah. I can standing here :-)
That's all because of all support from all my lovely shi-gUi. Thanks for all. I love you all my lovely shi-gUi.
My october wish, I hope I can do all better than before, than
yesterday. And I hope I can make a new book this year, hopefully :-)
And I hope I can win one of three competition that I've been follow. I
hope I can get all of them but that sound feel so greedy ya? Hehehe... I
hope I can win the big one and my book will appear at all bookstore in
Indonesia. Woa~ that sound good. Amin ya ALLOH.
Actually I would write all clearly here, what I've been got and I've
been through along this year. But I think about it again, should I do
that? What would I've got after I wrote all here? Am I would be famous?
Or would all people understand the situation? I don't need it. I think
that's very unused :)
2012, the hard year of my life. I've got all pain, mock, fake and
tears. I cry and feel so drop. I make all of my friends suffering
because of me. They all also got the mocking too. Hah... please forgive
me, dear friend. They stand beside me and defend me. They didn't think
how they'll get hurt and still defend me. All they do is me cry and more
cry. When I get hurt, they get hurt too. And they said, that's ok! God,
how great they are. People that I never know them before, we just know
each other from SMS and facebook, but we become closer each other. They
call me 'Omma' and that's so precious for me. I've got them in my life,
all my amazing daughter. I love you all, Beby, Va, Pika. And also Hilda
and Puput. Especially for Beby, Va and Pika, we stand against the mudase
together right?
Oh, ralat! Sok banget pakek Bahasa Inggris. Wong English-nya belepotan begitu kok ya PD bikin note pakek Bahasa Inggris.
Intinya tadi saya curhat on note (¿), pengen nulis cerita sepanjang
2012 yang menjadi tahun terberat saya, menulisnya secara gamblang tanpa
tedeng aling-aling. Tapi saya berpikir kembali, apakah ini penting? Apa
untungnya buat saya menjabarkan kelemahan seseorang disini? Jika saya
melakukannya, apa bedanya saya sama mereka?
Sekali lagi ma'af, saya mengurungkannya. Biarkan kita saja yang tahu kebenaran ini dan cukup bagi kita.
Spesial buat ketiga putri ajaib ku, hehehe... Beby, Va, Cha... Sa'at
omma terpuruk, terima kasih, kalian telah menopang omma, berdiri
disekitar omma dan tanpa lelah membela omma. Setiap kali mengingatnya,
omma menangis. Sa'at kita bertarung bersama melawan mudase, itu
sa'at-sa'at yang indah dan omma benar merasakan kita sebagai keluarga
yang sebenarnya. Jika satu terluka, semua terluka, dan kalian membela
omma tanpa lelah. Terima kasih. Proud of you all.
Terima kasih juga buat dua putri ku, Hilda dan Puput yang juga tak
lelah memberi dukungan. Hilda, thanks uda download file suara omma
Puput, terima kasih atas dukungannya ^^
Terima kasih adik-adik ku Aiyu, Dhila, Beby Minhozy 'Danic', Yana,
Ading, Innay, Novi, Ina, Sari dan semua adik yang udah dukung aku,
terima kasih. Terima kasih juga buat Tika Onni aka Yoonhee Onni. Aku
bener-bener pengen ke Bali hehehe...Mbak Nur, makasih udah setia baca ff
gaje ku setiap kali aku print out tuh karya ohok-ohok hehehee...
Terima kasih, geng Mujigae, Si Lebah Vie, Si Kelinci Ticka, Si Marmut
April dan Si Kucing Anna. Kita hanya berlima sekarang tapi aku tetep
bangga sama kalian. Terima kasih udah berdiri mendukung dan membela ku.
Terima kasih buat Peri Capung Kanata dan Putri Kelinci 'JC Kim'
Aishi. Hah, kita melewatkan kegajean bersama walau hanya sesa'at. I miss
U all.
Terima kasih buat seseorang bernama Kwon Yijung yang masih membuat
saya penasaran hingga kini. Like I said before, you always make me envy
And..... thanks for all people arround me. Orang-orang yang
'diam-diam' selalu memperhatikan saya dan akun fb saya beserta
Then, thanks to my great enemy and also great teacher, mudase. Kamu
mengajarkan banyak hal sehingga aku belajar dan memahami banyak hal
pula. Terima kasih uda mampir dalam hidup saya dan memberikan
pembelajaran berharga pada saya.
Terima kasih pada keluarga dan keluarga besar penghuni Sarang Clover,
especially 7 Clover Witch, Dree, Jeff and Tick. Thanks for all support.
Thanks to Momy and my sista, Bidha Rara. Special for you, Bidha Rara.
Thanks always give me power to stand up tall. And also thanks to my
little angel, Rara.
Thanks to all my lovely shi-gUi. Thanks for always support me, thanks
for read all my unperfect note. Thanks for silent reader too.
Last. Matur suwun ingkang agung dateng Gusti ALLOH SWT. Terima kasih
telah mendatangkan karunia ini dalam hidup saya. Masalah-masalah itu
mengajarkan banyak hal pada saya dan semakin meyakinkan saya betapa
besar kuasa-Mu. Hanya pada-Mu ya ALLOH, hamba kembali dan hanya Engkau
lah Maha Pemilik Segalanya. Ketika mengembalikan semua kepada Mu,
langkah ku pun menjadi ringan. I love ALLOH.
That's all. Pokoknya terima kasih buat semua. Ma'af jika ada yang gak
kesebut. Otak saya random hingga note ini ikut random. Oh iya, ada yang
lupa. Thanks to CEO Kim, CEO of Dreamsweaver Entertainment that always
support me and never give up to dig up our creativity. G.O.T's got their
power because of your hard work to support us. Thank you ^^
Hah! Sebenarnya pengen banget merayakan ini bareng kalian hehehe...