Captured Picture of ToppDogg From AmadeuS Deluxe Edition DVD “Photograh Shooting #1”


Captured Picture of ToppDogg From AmadeuS Deluxe Edition DVD
“Photograh Shooting #1”

Second Arcana Wizard Hojoon

"Let me checking my hair."

Half face :(

BJOO, Hojoon & XER0

Look how the way Hojoon staring at Yano. Seem like a hyung get angry to his dongsaeng. Or I'm wrong? He's so scary :(
(And for me, "Hojoon kaya lagi liat penampakan aja!!!")

I think I know now why Dio scare to Hojoon sometimes. I think this is the reason. How Hojoon's staring someone is very scary sometimes.

Hojoon, something wrong in P-Goon? Why you look at him like that? You look so scary!

Let's pose!

Everyone is smiling, but Hojoon why?

Hojoon, please smiling!

Little smile.

Bye!!! And finally little smiling ^^

Entah kenapa di part ini Hojoon pelit banget senyumnya. Kaya bocah lagi laper dan nggak dikasih makan.

Thanks for visiting ^^


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